Thursday, January 22, 2015

Peter, James and John Heeding the Savior's Invitations (Luke 5:1-11)

Read Luke 5:1-11. Explain in writing what you learn from the responses made by Peter, James, and John to the Savior’s call. How could you apply their actions and examples in your own life?

In Luke 5 we read about the account about Christ asking Peter, James and John to follow him and become his apostles. I love this story and see it differently because of a book, “The Peter Potential” by David Butler and Emily Freeman, I have read recently.

This great story starts out with the Savior realizing that he needed a way to teach the “people pressed upon him to hear the word of God” (vs. 1). Then he sees two ships and enters into one, which happens to be Simon Peter’s ship, who we’ll just call Peter from now on. Jesus then asks Peter to “thrust out a little from the land” (vs. 3) so Peter did as this stranger was asking. We don’t know for sure, but I imagine as Jesus taught the people that Peter probably was listening too and most likely feeling the Spirit. How could you not feel the Spirit with the Savior right by your side?

After Jesus is done teaching the people, he turns to Peter personally and says, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught” (vs. 4). To this Peter responds, “Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing” (vs. 5). I imagine that Peter was frustrated and confused because when Jesus came upon this fisherman Peter was cleaning his fishing net, so why now would this special man ask him to get his nets dirty again? Luckily, Peter had faith and went on in vs. 5 to say, “nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” Wow, already Peter is trusting the Lord and having great faith.

Peter’s faith was rewarded because he caught so many fish that his net started to break and he had to call to his partners, James and John, to come help him. Even with his partners help their nets were overflowing and the boats were sinking with the great amount of fish (vs. 6-7). I think at this point Peter realizes something is special about this man because in vs. 8 it says, “When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” What humility Peter demonstrated.

Then Jesus says, “Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.” (vs. 10) This is the invitation to become Jesus’ apostles. How do you think Peter, James and John responded? They had great faith before but this time they showed perfect faith and in vs. 11 it says, “they forsook all, and followed him.”

Even though they had just caught so many fish I feel they realized that the invitation Jesus was extending was much more important than their fishing careers or anything else.

As I read this story a couple of self-reflecting questions came to me:
1. Do I have faith like Peter to act even when I don’t understand why the Savior is asking me to do something?
2. Do I have enough humility like Peter to accept the Savior’s invitation to come follow Him?
3. Do I trust my Savior enough to try again even when things haven’t been working out like Peter did when he let down his nets again?
4. Do I remember the great blessings the Lord has provided in my life like Peter’s nets overflowing with fish?
5. Am I willing to forsake all to follow my Savior like Peter, James and John did?

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