Friday, March 13, 2015

Our Savior's Hand is ALWAYS outstretched toward us!

March 13, 2015 (I was taught to take my Savior’s hand & let him help me!)

While I was at water aerobics there was a very old man there and his wife was trying to put a flotation belt on him but was struggling. I went over and helped them out. The old man had the railing to walk into the water with but then the railing ended. Without thinking I extended my hand so he could steady himself. Even though he didn’t know my name he didn’t hesitate to take my hand for support even though technically with the flotation device he probably would have been okay.

The most amazing thing happened when he gently grasped my hand, I realized that our Savior’s hand is always outstretched to us and all we have to do is reach out and grasp it, just like this man grasped my hand. Often, in my own life, I don’t take the opportunity to grasp my Savior’s hand and let him help me. I feel that sometimes I have to prove how strong I am and be almost drowning before he will extend his hand to help me, but that is not the truth. He is always there just waiting for us to reach out and grasp his hands and use the empowerment of his Atonement.

I hope this is something I will never forget. My Savior is ALWAYS there with his hands extended, all I have to do is reach up and grasp his hands for the daily support I need.

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